In 1918 Joe was engaged in printing the army circulars and publications including An t'Oglach for Collins. The printing of that particular paper was a very controversial and dangerous affair. The official organ of the Irish Volunteers with a regular column on Notes on Organisation from Collins and under his personal direction and distribution was bound to draw attention from the Dublin Metropolitan Police (DMP). Piaras Beaslai was the editor and recalls - "Early in 1918 Collins evolved the idea of starting an official organ for the Irish Volunteers. The project was sanctioned by GHQ and Collins proceeded to make the necessary arrangements. He asked me to become editor and the new secret journal was printed by The Gaelic Press, Liffey Street. All the arrangements for the distribution and carrying back and forth of copy and proofs was done under Collins direction. He took a keen interest in the project" The first issue was on 15 August 1918 and its production henceforth brought with it many little adventures needless to say . . . .